- COPY OF DRIVER’S LICENSE(S) or other state issued photo ID
- W2S FOR LAST TWO YEARSÂ to show your income history
- MOST RECENT PAYSTUBSÂ showing last 30 days income
- TWO MOST RECENT BANK STATEMENTSÂ with all pages to show necessary funds to cover closing costs, etc.
- SIGNED FEDERAL INCOME TAX RETURNÂ for the most recent 2 years including all schedules
- MOST RECENT ASSET STATEMENTSÂ including all pages of 401k, IRA statements, social security, pension letter or 1099, etc. if applicable
- HOME OWNER’S INSURACE CONTACT INFORMATION including agent name you will be using and phone number
- CURRENT MORTGAGE STATEMENTÂ if applicable or any other real estate owned to verify taxes and insurance amounts
- BANKRUPTCY, FORECLOSURE, OR DIVORCEÂ in the past seven years may require copies of court documents/letters of explanation
- SELF EMPLOYMENT requires business tax returns, K-1’s for partnerships, business tax returns for any partnerships with 25% or more capitol equity position and YTD P&L/financials.
Your Mortgage Loan Application Checklist
Having this information ready will make the application process quicker and smoother.